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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

increase google page rank and increase page impressions

Increase your Page Rank and bring in more Impressions
In the past many bloggers that have submitted their blog(s) to a large number of these directories have seen an increase in PageRank of at least 1 point and a PageStrength increase of 1.5 points within a short amount of time. Plus, many bloggers that have listed in these directories have picked up visitors, impressions and subscribers as well.

Things constantly change on the internet, but this is not a bad place to start since it is free and only takes a little time and effort!

We have found through direct application of submitting our blogs to these directories that you can achieve a significant boost from starting with the directories that have the highest PageStrength first. Some of the highest ranked directories can be difficult to get listed, but it is worth the effort.

We recommend that you navigate through the directories above a couple pages at a time, working to list your blog initially in the Pages labeled Strength 9, Strength 8, and Strength 7.

Then in a few days or a week come back and work to get listed on the directories with a strength of 6 and the next week 5 and so on all the way down the list. Within a little work and a little time your blog will be listed in over 100 directories. That’s 100+ more links pointing at your site and all you have to do is submit your blog(s).

We have had reports from some bloggers that submitting to all the directories within a week resulted in an increase in impressions by an order of 1,000 impressions. It also resulted in a PageRank increase of 2 points for that blogger. We have seen Page Rank increases of as much as 3 points on a blog ourselves. It is possible especially if your PR is currently low to start!

Submission Tips
We suggest that you get organized before you start. Create a list that you can rapidly copy and paste from with the following information:

Name of Blog
URL of Blog
Atom Feed for Blog
Feedburner Feed for blog
Description of Blog
Category for Blog
Man Sites will ask for this same information. If you have more than one blog, then you definitely want to get organized.

You may also want to track the directories that you have listed your blog in within a spreadsheet. In that spreadsheet add a blank column where you can paste in code if the directory requires a reciprocal link or directory widget button. Paste that code into the spreadsheet, then when you are all done, copy that column of code and paste it into notepad where you can format it for pasting into your blog all at one time, saving you lots of updates and republishing sessions!
april 21st 2009

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